Monday 26 August 2013



Whatever the age, birthday parties are always a fun celebration, so make sure you dress right for the event. It can be a costume, princess dress-up, casual, or fancy, knowing how to dress your child for a birthday party can seem a little overwhelming. Use this guide to help navigate through the process, and your kids will always show up at the party in just the right attire.

Start with the basics: pull out the invitation and read the clues given there if there's one, if not, do not worry, Meggie and Angels have got you covered. Where will the event take place and what time of day? These two questions will determined the weather factors when choosing an outfit. Next, look to see whether there will be a theme. A princess or mickey dress-up will make it clear that costumes are needed. In the case of a dress-up party be sure to have your child bring an extra change of clothes.

Casual Attire
An outdoor party would definitely require casual attire. Be sure to dress your child appropriately, and bring an extra outfit for accidents up until age 5. Keep in mind that girls should always wear bike shorts under their cute dresses to ensure modesty when play gets more rambunctious. For casual parties it is always fun to dress children with the theme, even if it is not required. If your son is going to a "Ben10" party or your daughter to a "Dora" party, it is simple to find a shirt to go along with that theme. Avoid restrictive clothing at all parties, as the child is more likely to get fussy and aggravated if uncomfortable.

Fancy Dress
Boys and girls will sometimes be invited to kids' parties that require more formal attire. A girl's party themed or not should be approached very differently. While you should still consider comfort, it is also important to look nice. With active kids this may seem difficult, but as long as your child shows up at the party looking put together, that is half the battle. Boys should wear clean, unwrinkled clothes, preferably collared shirts. Young girls should wear a nice dress with close-toed shoes and matching accessories if you have them. Little girls need to have their hair neatly done, preferably in a braid, pony-tail or pulled-back style.

Kids' birthday parties can be fun events, and as a parent it is best to bring your child prepared for the fun. Not only does it relieve parental anxiety, it also helps your child feel comfortable . Along with appropriate attire it is important to bring along some essentials. No matter the age of your child, cleaning wipes, diapers, and a brush should always be handy.

0-6 years
For clothes, it's always good to have them put on a short dress that's cute, sweet and easy to move around in.
For hair, have braids if hair is long enough. If short or no hair yet, don't do anything with it. Maybe put in a cute head band. At these parties there are lots of games so try to keep hair out of your child's eyes.

7-10 years
For clothes, wear pants with a pretty shirt and maybe add a cardigan if the weather is cold. There are still games at some of these parties so jeans are not recommended.
For hair have in a ponytail, braid or pulled back with a cute headband.

11-14 years
These parties are more casual. Its okay to wear your skinny jeans due to the lack of games.
For hair, wear a pony-tail, braid or bunny.

For Mummy
A peplum top will conceal your tummy and colored jeans come equipped with ample stretch. Stay mobile with flat sandals, and add fun elements like a neon accented necklace and ring (if jeans are too hot). Slip on a white blazer in case you get chilly inside.

Wear a pair of premium jeans (ones that everyone's familiar with but cant afford) a pair of stiletto sandals, and a blouse that say " I'm here and I'm Fabulous". Whatever you decide to wear, wear it well and with confident.

Try to have fun both mother and child. Dads, am coming to you soon.


Anonymous said...

WeLl said.

Adanne's Corner said...

We can make a difference.