Monday 2 September 2013



How do we act when around children? Are there certain ways to act around children of various ages? what should our language be? Is our dressing right? These are the questions I asked myself after a just concluded children’s event. Some people acted in manner I asked myself if they were suitable to be around children.

My daughter’s birth, her growth, my business presentations and events, I’ve come to realize that there are certain ways people should act and dress either as a teacher, MC or an event planner. Aside their homes and immediate family, the people children meet outside should be role models to them because they tend to pick whatever they see and hear. So we should be careful how we act, talk, dress, walk around children. When you are at a party with multiple generations of guests, playing games is a way to connect individuals and create memories. There is something unforgettable about playing certain party games with children. Some party games will give you the opportunity to laugh out loud, burn off some extra energy and make the next party your best ever.

Understand that parents take pride in how they raise their kids, so as an event planner for children, you should know how to organize the event in such as way that it will be playful, educative, colorful and fun.

  • Try as much as possible to get down to the children’s level with the choice of words for the games and activities.
  • Play music children loves and also the ones that have good and sensible meanings.
  • Treat them like they are mature obviously without talking about mature topics or using big words.
  • Be polite under every circumstance. This should be a common knowledge when your work is all about children.
  • Think about how parents will interpret your actions, statements and answers.
  • Use the appropriate tone and language when handling the event.
  • Walk properly and not over the place.
  • Sit normally and still. Sit up straight and cross your legs at the ankle if you are a female.
  • Wear better quality clothes or business attire suitable for playful events. This includes clothes that are more conservative. Short skirts, tube tops and spaghetti strap shirts are not business attire for women.
  • Make sure you don't lose your cool in an argument or a conversation because the kids are watching.
  • Being around children can be stressful most times but try to stay cool in such situations. Sure some adults flip out under stress. Don't be one of those people. Try not to stress and worry if something bothers you, but try to deal with it at the same time.
  • Please and please do not play favoritism during these events because the children will feel bad. You did well to invite them to the party, so you should give all the same needed attention. However you treat a child, they will never forget it and will tell all they see and the worse, they will be scared to come around you again.

As an event planner and a parent, please make sure the MC of the party is kid’s friendly, amiable, courteous, funny, intelligent, dresses well, has a track record of making children laugh hard. His/her English has to be impeccable, we do not our kids speaking the wrong English. Thanks.

Meggie and Angels will always give you the best for that event. Just a phone call will do the magic - 08082834865.

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Gifted said...

Adannem,pls keep it up. Nice one. Wil soon call u 4 my baby's room decoration. Tnks

Adanne's Corner said...

Thanks dear.

Anonymous said...

Great tips